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Weekly Digest

How is 
 using biology to make the world a better place?

At Biorealize, we are on a mission to make it easy to design with biology. We are a design, research, and manufacturing company that builds tools and platforms that make it easy to do biodesign. We do this by providing end-to-end solutions that combine the hardware, software, and protocols to bring your vision for sustainable products into reality. Our easy-to-use, powerful platforms can be used right in your studio or lab making biodesign simpler and faster than ever before. We invite you to reimagine and build a world that works with nature and not against it. Join us!

A little more about 

San Francisco – Today we passed by the Build With Biology conference and saw all types of things. One of them specifically was a start up company, Biorealize, who has entered that market with an ecosystem for designers and biologist a like to begin learning and innovating with biodesign. Ricky Solorzano, CEO and Co-founder, stated that industries are and will continue to undergo massive shifts in the way things are made. These shifts are being driven by consumer demand, government regulations, and corporations include nature as one of their core clients. The result of the shift will provide companies with sustained growth and profit in the decades to come. Designers are feeling the need to begin to understand the biodesign field, but don’t know how. What tools do we use in the studio? What materials or organisms can be used for what application? That is where Biorealize comes in. We are here to help designers and brands shift with the times. We understand it takes an ecosystem and that is who Biorealize wants to be, the ecosystem for biodesign.