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Weekly Digest

Eagle Genomics
How is 
Eagle Genomics
 using biology to make the world a better place?

Eagle Genomics is accelerating the generative economy through the digital reinvention of science. Our AI-augmented knowledge discovery platform, e[datascientist]™, enables the conversation between microbiome data and the scientist. Microbiome data is vast and complex, but it can yield significant, unexpected, and novel innovation opportunities for solving the world’s Grand Challenges, including preventing soil degradation, producing food as medicine, combating antibiotic resistance, optimizing precision fermentation, and developing bio-based solutions to promote sustainability of industrial value chains. We are providing the platform ecosystem for data-driven scientific innovation to drive game-changing solutions across the Food and Nutrition, Beauty and Personal Care, AgBio, and BioPharma industries.

A little more about 
Eagle Genomics