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Weekly Digest

How is 
 using biology to make the world a better place?

We are giving researchers the power to ask questions and find solutions that support decarbonization, health and well-being, energy production, food security, and environmental management. Inscripta is built on the idea that having mastered the reading of genomes, the next revolution in biology will come from writing them. We believe genome engineering will power the bioeconomy and help scientists pursue discovery and functional genomics research focused on solving some of today’s most pressing challenges. Our initial contribution to this effort comes from providing the first automated technology that streamlines CRISPR gene editing, an otherwise laborious, costly, time-consuming, and manual scientific process. The Onyx® platform provides an automated benchtop solution for genome engineering that is simple to use, safe, and accessible to researchers around the world. With the Onyx platform, researchers can take a giant leap into the vast landscape of genotype and variant analysis and take a deeper dive into the genes, pathways and networks they care about most — or probe the entire genome for something new and undiscovered.

A little more about 

For press inquiries, please contact us at press@​inscripta.​com