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Weekly Digest

LanzaTech Inc.
How is 
LanzaTech Inc.
 using biology to make the world a better place?

It’s not a debate. There’s no two sides. A post-pollution world is inevitable. Humans will either be part of it, or the planet will go on without us. But where others see a dire choice, LanzaTech sees a trillion dollar opportunity. The good news is LanzaTech has invented a technology big enough to meet the moment. One that transforms pollution and ensures that humans continue to prosper far into the post-pollution future. The science is state-of-the-art, but the idea is simple. We use nature to heal nature. Carbon emissions are fed to trillions of carbon-hungry microbes that turn pollution into valuable raw material commodities. LanzaTech’s carbon recycling technology is like retrofitting a brewery onto an emission source like a steel mill or a landfill site, but instead of using sugars and yeast to make beer, pollution is converted by bacteria to fuels and chemicals. Imagine a day when your plane is powered by recycled GHG emissions, when your shampoo bottle started life as emissions from a steel mill. This future is possible today using LanzaTech technology and LanzaTech’s CarbonSmartTM IP licensing services.

A little more about 
LanzaTech Inc.